Sep 13 2024

Does Customer Success Management Matter to Your Business?

Growth / Leadership
9 minutes
customer success management


When we talk about the customer experience, the first thing that often comes to mind is customer satisfaction. It's a big deal in today's world, with online reviews significantly impacting how nearly 93% of your customers perceive your business. It's no wonder many companies put a lot of effort into creating a responsive post-purchase experience. Certainly, customer satisfaction and good customer service are crucial aspects of your overall customer experience strategy. However, implementing customer success management is a valuable approach that you can take to strengthen your relationships with your customers and minimize the problems they encounter with your offerings.

This article explores the evolving realm of customer success management, its vital role in the tech industry, and how modern technology is reshaping the landscape.

customer success managementThe Evolution of Customer Success Management

Before discussing the present and future of customer success management, let's take a step back and analyze what success management is. Customer success management has come a long way from traditional customer support. In the past, customer support primarily focused on solving problems and addressing complaints reactively. However, as times changed, businesses realized they needed a more proactive approach.

Today, customer success management is about ensuring customers achieve their desired outcomes while using your product or service. Instead of merely fixing issues when they arise, customer success managers actively engage with customers to guide them on their journey and help them make the most of the product.

Why Does Customer Success Management Matter?

Customers always have alternatives; if they don't perceive ongoing value and success, they might switch to a competitor or a different product version. Remember, every business initiative and product development endeavor is inherently a project. Therefore, your projects must continually demonstrate their value to customers to secure contract renewals. However, the importance of customer success extends beyond just subscription-based businesses. Surprisingly, many customers with problems don't reach out to customer support. Research indicates that for every customer who reaches out for support, 26 others experience problems but stay silent. These are potential customers that a business could lose if it doesn't address its problems. In fact, research reveals that 91% of customers who don't complain choose to churn instead.

customer success management


By proactively identifying and resolving potential customer issues and understanding their needs, customer success management can significantly increase the chances of retaining those other 26 silent customers.

When executed effectively, customer success management has several benefits, including reducing churn rates, improving customer retention and contract renewals, and ultimately boosting revenue. Beyond the financial gains, customer success management provides valuable insights into how and why customers use your product. In essence, customer success leads to a deeper understanding of your customers, fostering a healthier and more resilient customer lifecycle.

The Crucial Role of Customer Success in the Tech Industry

Now, why is customer success management particularly critical in the tech sector? The answer lies in the unique nature of tech projects. In this fast-paced industry, customers’ needs change quickly, technologies become obsolete, and competitors constantly innovate. This environment demands a proactive and agile approach to customer satisfaction.

customer success management


Furthermore, customer retention is paramount for long-term success in the tech industry. The cost of acquiring a new customer can be significantly higher than retaining an existing one. A happy customer is not only more likely to continue using your product but also more likely to recommend it to others. In the age of social media and online reviews, word-of-mouth can make or break a tech company.

According to a survey conducted in 2019 by ZS Consulting, more than 40% of high-tech companies have embraced the role of customer success managers, often referred to as CSMs. They invest heavily in ensuring their customers have a seamless experience and feel valued and supported throughout their journey. How does it help us, you ask? 

Effective customer success management strategies help you retain customers. Loyal customers can bring numerous benefits to your business. They're more likely to spend more money with you over time, offer valuable feedback, and can become advocates by referring friends and family. A study by Harvard Business School has revealed that boosting customer retention rates by just 5% can lead to a significant increase in profits, ranging from 25% to a whopping 95%. So, it's clear that nurturing and retaining your customer base can substantially impact your bottom line.

Why Is Customer Retention Important?

Customer retention matters for several reasons:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: It's often cheaper to keep existing customers than to acquire new ones, optimizing marketing budgets.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Retained customers generate more revenue over time, positively impacting a company's bottom line. Additionally, it reduces customer acquisition costs by 30%+ and increases total customers by 1.5x.
  • Brand Advocacy: Loyal customers are more likely to recommend a brand, leading to new customer acquisition.
  • Stability and growth: A loyal customer base provides stability during economic downturns, allowing companies to focus on growth.
  • Competitive Advantage: Excellent customer retention gives companies a competitive edge, making their customers less likely to switch to competitors.

Top Customer Success Management Challenges

Customer success gives you plenty of chances to reduce turnover, boost revenue, and foster stronger customer loyalty. However, it does come with its own unique set of obstacles and difficulties. Here are some of the most common challenges you may encounter:

  • Monitoring Customer Usage: One of the primary challenges to customer success today revolves around monitoring customer usage effectively. It's not feasible to constantly ask your customers how frequently they use your projects, products, initiatives, or offerings. As a result, many customer success managers struggle to obtain precise data on user product adoption. Without this crucial information, you find it difficult to proactively rescue accounts at risk and minimize customer churn.
  • Maintaining Strong Relationships with Every Customer: According to a Salesforce survey, 76% of customers expected organizations to meet and understand their needs. When your customer base is small, it's relatively easy to interact regularly with each one. However, maintaining a personal touch with everyone becomes increasingly daunting as it grows.
  • Failing to Find Value: One of the biggest challenges of customer success management is when your customers fail to discover the value in your product. They initially bought your product with certain expectations, but over time, they realized it wasn't delivering the expected value. This can lead to frustration as they incur additional costs to keep using your product. Eventually, this dissatisfaction may prompt them to cancel their subscription.

So, how do you overcome these challenges? By leveraging modern technology solutions, especially AI-powered predictive intelligence solutions. Let’s understand how modern technology boosts customer success management.

Modern Technology and Customer Success Management

In today's tech-driven world, technology like predictive intelligence is a game-changer for customer success management. The key to success lies in harnessing the power of data analytics and artificial intelligence. These artificial intelligence-driven solutions can provide real-time insights into customer behavior and needs, allowing you to tailor your interactions and support.

customer success managementImagine receiving an email from your favorite online retailer with product recommendations perfectly aligned with your interests and past purchases. That results from data analytics and predictive intelligence working behind the scenes to understand your preferences. It's personalization at its finest, making customers feel understood and valued.

But it doesn't stop there. Predictive analytics can also foresee and address potential issues before they become major problems. For example, you can predict when your customer might face a technical glitch based on their usage patterns and proactively offer a solution. Furthermore, they evaluate and watch over customer relationships by tracking project health.

Tips to Build a Robust Customer Success Management Strategy

Understand Your Customers

customer success managementTo make customers happy, know what they want. You can conduct surveys, focus groups, or talk to industry experts. Understanding their needs helps you improve your products and services.

Focus on Customer Success

customer success managementStart focusing on customer success early in your company's growth. Make it a part of your culture and marketing strategy. Show potential customers that you care about their success from the beginning.

Map Out Customer Success Process

customer success managementPlan out how customers will interact with your company throughout their journey. This involves different departments, so map out these interactions. It helps you ensure that every step in the process is well handled, from feedback collection to decision-making.

Add Value

customer success managementLook for opportunities to add value to customer interactions. Offer product training, suggest new features, and share resources like podcasts or blogs. Show customers that you're invested in their success.

Be Proactive

customer success managementDon't wait for customers to come to you with problems. Be proactive in addressing their concerns and informing them about updates and new project offerings. This keeps them engaged and informed.

Measure Your Efforts

customer success managementTrack key metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your customer success efforts. Measure things like repeat purchases, customer retention costs, and satisfaction scores. Monitoring these metrics helps you continually improve your customer success process.

What Is the Way Ahead?

Customer success management is the foundation of your organization’s success, especially in the IT industry. It's about more than just resolving issues; it's about nurturing relationships and ensuring customers achieve their goals. As a tech leader, you must embrace these innovations to stay ahead of the competition and, more importantly, to keep your customers happy. Today, harnessing the power of modern technology solutions, especially predictive intelligence, helps you predict and address customer needs, ultimately leading to improved project/product health, customer satisfaction, and business success. This is where TrueProject, a KPI-based predictive intelligence solution for improving project health and performance, comes in. TrueProject predicts project problems before they become catalysts for project failure so that you can ensure project success every time. Additionally, it offers accurate health and status of all projects, flexible monitoring with customizable dashboards, and a 360-degree view based on soft and hard data tracking progress according to individual customer success plans and/or cohort monitoring.

Whether you are a small or large company, customer success management can substantially impact customer loyalty, churn rates, revenue generation, and various other aspects. Therefore, it's not just about selling more; it's about helping customers achieve their objectives.

More information on TrueProject can be found at

About the Author:

Nivedita Kota GopalakrishnaNivedita Gopalakrishna is a content marketing specialist within the TrueProject Marketing team with extensive experience in blog writing and website content creation across diverse industries. Nivedita’s proficiency in crafting engaging blog posts and informative website content is a testament to her years of experience. Beyond her prowess in written communication, Nivedita has a knack for creating visually appealing static graphics that have played a pivotal role in expanding TrueProject's marketing efforts. She has helped convey the brand’s essence through thoughtful design choices and captivate audiences effectively. Outside the professional sphere, Nivedita is a trained classical singer and a fitness enthusiast, embodying creativity and wellness in and out of the office.
